Old 09-22-2010, 10:30 PM
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Location: Mapleton, Oregon
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Fryguy, post a picture of your charity quilt when you get done with it, would love to see it.

Children are a challenge, but well worth the effort. Mine are both on their own, but I can't stop mothering them. They pretend to listen to us, then do what they want. Those apron strings are very strong, and don't break. Just gotta love them and do your best. It's amazing how good they turn out, even with all the mistakes.

It must be hard to give up the foster kittens, I don't know if I could do it, we took care of my oldest son's cat, Stash, for three weeks, when he went to Ohio to move his girlfriend out here to Oregon, and he became my kitty, But when my son came back he took him back, now when I go to visit, he comes running and starts talking like crazy, and won't let me alone, talking all the time, it's funny, because I'm the only one he talks to like this. We use to have wonderful morning conversations while I combed him in the mornings, and at night before we went to bed(not him, he's more of a night owl that me). So I have to go visit him all the time.
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