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Old 09-23-2010, 05:26 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 521

Dangerous Debbie is trying to kill me. Now she's talking about my next great addiction.........vintage quilts/ tops/ blocks......HELP!!!!
Seriously, I'd have a look on e-bay and watch the prices for awhile. Flimsies tend to go for pretty reasonable prices unless there is something special about or otherwise collectible about them.
For example I paid $26 for a circa 1940 flimsy with a pieced back to go with it. I also bid on a late '30's early '40's flimsy with some classic Hallowe'en fabric in it. Because of the collectibility of the Hallowe'en fabric, that flimsy alone when in the low $50's.
Condition, whether the blocks are a 'classic' pattern (or unexpectedly funky for the time), the make-up of the fabric and whether you have any history accompanying the top will influence the price. Of course so will colour, whether it is an interpretation of something 'trendy' by todays standards....and the fickle fickle buyers. Remember when you couldn't move without falling over a goose with a ribbon on it's neck?
If you go the e-bay route, plan to take lots of very specific pictures especially of any damage, frayed areas, disintegrating fabric, stains, sunfade etc.
Hope you'll post a bunch here even if you decide to sell them elsewhere. I do spend a ridiculous amount of time looking at them and for them, so if there's anything I can do to help, consider me signed up......
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