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Old 09-23-2010, 10:08 PM
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My little sister was home alone when their house got broken into, 16, happened a few months back, moved states and she still can't stay home alone or sleep in her own's tough having things like that happen!

On the Mouths of Babes topic..I work with kindergardeners which is THE single greatest job in the world. The other day a little 5 year old boy was singing "rom pom rom pom pom" (lyrics from Bad Romance by Lady Gaga) I was cracking up! Then to add to it, the little girl next to him goes "Oh I LOVE that song! It's by GooGoo GaGa I LOVE HER!

Another little kinder boy rejoiced when I gave him a brown whiteboard marker, and followed with the statement: "Wanna know why I say YESSSSS when you gave me a brown marker?...Because I am brown, my whole family is brown" Oh how cute is that, I mean seriously???
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