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Old 09-24-2010, 03:05 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Deep South
Posts: 105

Just want y'all to know that BarbaraTx is my "quilting angel", and she has the patience of Job!

She tried teaching me to quilt a couple of years ago, I just couldn't "get it" and gave up.

She recently very graciously donated an entire morning trying to teach me again. I was so painfully slow on the machine, afraid that I would ruin a block. But she kept encouraging me to keep trying. Time came for her to go home, and during the rest of the day, something inside me clicked, and I knew I could do it. I got on the machine again, and bwala.........the points matched! They weren't 100% perfect, but they were very good. I was so excited to call and tell her that she had turned on a light switch inside me for quilting.

Now, that is all I want to do. I am in my 70's, so it's never too late to begin I suppose.

Just want to thank her so much for her love of quilting, and the patience to help a "quilting dummy" to begin learning this beautiful craft.

Thanks again, Barb! Luv Ya!
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