Old 09-24-2010, 01:11 PM
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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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Originally Posted by decky
Well in southern Minnesota it is cool today in the 50's. But yesterday we had anywhere from 4 to 9 inches of rain in the area. We are having major flooding in towns around the area. Some towns they can't leave or get into unless you are in a boat. Alot of the roads are closed because of water over the roads, part of a old bridge has just broken up so (one of two ways to get into the town). It's really a mess and they are saying we can get more rain tomorrow.
I had to check on the computer this AM for a neighbor whose wife works in Iowa and is coming home and they said 35 and 52 are shut down. It's been many a year since we have had anything like this! So she will be taking back roads back to the cities! How bout those winds??? Could whisk you away and never be seen again!!!!!

Our gas and electric company, Xcel Energy (it used to be Northern States Power) had a commercial for wintertime. I loved it. It was from Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" (theme song from "Apocalypse Now" and it was "Welcome to Winter - In Minne-Sota. Here is your fuel bill - ha ha ha haaaaa!"

So I hope the water recedes there pretty fast. I heard on the news last night that the water is coming up out of the ground because of the saturation and the water table. We had puddles all over in our yard - Wouldn't go down! Thank God we only had a little water in the basement. Cleaning gutters again today though! Edie
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