Old 09-26-2010, 03:59 AM
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Still can and freeze. DS #2 stopped a week ago and asked me to come to his house he wanted some advice. Well his advice was "how do I make jelly"? So we juiced some pears and proceeded to make jelly. He did have all the supplies and had it all laid out, just wasn't sure how to go about it. By the way it is delicious. He does jerky in his dehydrator too.
I also dehydrate a lot of things. Fruit, corn, tomatoes (which when dry I pulverize into a powder, a tablespoon or two in soup is just like putting in several large tomatoes.
A soup mix which is dried corn, onion, cabbage, carrots, celery and anything else that's ready to harvest right then. Wonderful in the winter to just toss a few handfuls of mix, dehydrated tomato powder and some leftover meat in a pot, then I'm good to sew all day.
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