Old 09-26-2010, 07:05 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Southeast Connecticut
Posts: 96

Honestly, I don't think anyone should go into debt speculatively, unless they can afford the payments without getting any work. You seriously need to do the market research for the are before going into business. Realistically, how do you know you'll get good enough at it to get enough customers to make the payments? How stiff is the competition. There times are economically challenging for everyone, and honestly quilting is a hobby. I'm certain the number of people able to afford long-arm services has declined as the economy has tumbled. It's probably best to save up the money for the machine without going into debt.
I bought a crown jewel for my own personal use but I can see it's not going to be nearly as quick or as easy to become accomplished as I had thought. Some take to it much faster than others, but there is a LONG learning curve before you will be qualified to take in quilts for others.
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