Old 09-26-2010, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by CAROLJ
Originally Posted by trupeach1
I want to just cry. Last Sunday I had FINALLY lost weight. My pants were drooping off me, I tried the same pair on this morning they still are but I wonder if the are that way from the weight I lost before and just didn't realize they were big until lat week. Since I did well last week I ate the EXACT same way this week, weighed and measured, my 3 meals and 3 snacks. I made sure what I chose had the least calories. Brown rice has less the white sames goes for whole wheat pasta less calories then reg, And I GAINED yes that is right everything the same not a cheat nothing and I GAINED 3 lbs. I am so disgusted. I feel like saying SH*T on this and forget about the diet, eat brownies and what ever else I want to. What difference does it make??????????? To get healthy???????? I will never be healthy. So why begrudge myself foods I like no, no, foods I love to not lose but gain?????????? And honestly will losing weight prolong life?????? I think not when you are born God stamps your butt with an expiration date. So if you are young or old, fat or skinny, sick or healthy when God wants you home he will take you.
Tru, I eat less than a 1000 calories most days and exercise everyday. I have gained three pounds, and have not lost a thing in two weeks. It really eats away at me, but I am trying to think it is my body just adjusting to the changes I make.

It could be water retention, you're building muscle, you hit a plateau. Who knows. Don't trust you scale.
Could it be that you are not getting enough calories? My nutritionist has said many times that anything for a woman below 1200 is too low and could cause your body to start to conserve the fat as if you were in the starvation mode. Maybe adding a few more calories might help jump start you back into losing. I know it seems like an oxymoron but it really works. What is your water intake? Lots of water helps to flush the fat too. Those are just a few ideas I had.

One thing I know for sure is that I do not want you to give up! You are an amazing person and I feel so blessed to know you. Hang in there my friend!

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