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Old 09-27-2010, 07:59 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Savannah, GA
Posts: 12

Originally Posted by PMY in QCA-IL
That looks so cool - reminded me about a time several years ago our daughter was on her way home from a family picnic and she had car trouble. Of course she called Dad for help, but we were at our home and she was over an hour away. By the time we got to her she had used sidewalk chalk left over from the picnic to draw a tropical island complete with palm trees, flowers and fishies in the "water" in the truck parking lot where she was waiting for us. I always wonder what the truckers thought when they saw her artwork!!
I bet they wish they were on her little island and not in their trucks. I know if i saw something cool like that I would thank God for Artists and the things they create. Not to mention you have to admire her spirit, I would be stressed to the max, it is so cool that she just decided to have fun.
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