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Old 09-27-2010, 09:59 AM
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The members who have been talking about emails being sent out from their email accounts, from other sources, have been hacked.

This can happen with any email provider, somehow, some way, your password was found out.

Certain savvy hackers can get into email accounts by using a back door and gain access that way also. This happens more rarely than hackers tricking you into giving up a password.

I have seen many sites that ask for my password to my email account, I don't give it up... Facebook is one...
Why do they need MY password to anything other than my Facebook account?

Many of the sites on Facebook pages (and other sites) may look like they are a part of Facebook, but they are independently ran. I know family who thought they were ok giving up their password to them, and they were hacked a short time after. Yes, they advertise fun games and sites, but those places are not always 100% legit.

So, no matter which email provider you use, if you give up your email password to another site, you are opening the door to getting your email account hacked.

Also, if you use the same password for everything? How hard is it for a bogus site that you register with, to figure out trying the password you use there, on your email account you registered with them? I know a lot of people who use the same password for everything, yes it makes it easier to remember, but it opens you up for attack from unscrupulous people.

Edit** I think we see some email providers names mentioned more often than others because of their popularity. Hot mail, yahoo and g mail being three of them. They may offer more bells and whistles than the email that your internet provider offers :wink: and so many go to these sites for their email services.
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