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Old 09-28-2010, 03:06 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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Originally Posted by Bobbin along
My Kansas-raised mom used to worsh and rench the dishes. I learned to worsh my face with a worsh rag. In Nebraska, a heavy rain is a toad-strangler. I drink pop and sit on the couch. I fix a cassarole for dinner, but my Minnisota friend fixes "hot dish." In Colorado, we have license plates, in Okla they are tags (pronounced taigs.)To me,a crik is a very small stream, a creek is a bit larger.
Us Minnesotans eat lots of hot dishes, also if you are out and ask for a diet whatever, you get either Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke. When we go to Burger King we ask for our hamburgers "off the grill" because we have a "fur (far) piece to go". That just means fresh grilled hamburger, no microwave heatup, make 'em good and hot because we have a ways to go to get home! This has been a terrific thread. We also say Yah, sure, you betcha. And the most important is when someone says "Could you do me a favor?" A Minnesotan says "Yes" without knowing what it is. Never says "What!" We love Jell-O. Jello for a salad, Jello for a dessert and if you are sick or have a cold, Jello will cure it all! It's raining cats and dogs - hey, better than hailing taxis!!!!!!!! Holy Cats! Edie
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