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Old 09-28-2010, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Scissor Queen
Originally Posted by Cheshirecatquilter
It didn't matter what type of scissors I bought or what threats I made to my brood, they always got commandeered and used to cut paper, cardboard, flowers, wire, you name it. Scissor abuse. So, if there are children in the house I'd advise against buying the most expensive scissors and opt for the easily replaceable ones, like middle of the road Fiskars.
You can padlock the handles together. Keeps everybody from using them.
I sometimes tied to them a long rope with a honkin' big sign on the end that said, "Mom's -- keep your mitts off". It didn't even slow the little buggers down. Now they are all grown and gone, and I wish they were still here stealing my scissors.
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