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Old 09-30-2010, 06:53 AM
Grandma Phyl
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Missouri
Posts: 168

I had the same problem a neighbor gave me a quilt top that her mother hand pieced, it was awful it was cut uneven, stitched uneven but I went ahead and finished it for her, she is in rehab and not doing well she is 86 so the quilt was quite old as it was pieced by her mother. I did embroidery stitches over all the seams to sturdy it up found a little hole so put a little red heart on that, put the backing and binding on then prayed really hard it did not fall apart when I washed it. Took it to her last week and she was thrilled, I told her now when she is cold or upset put the quilt around her and feel her mothers arms around her, she smiled so sweet. My work was worth every minute even if I did think it was a ugly quilt. Will have to get a picture of her and her quilt
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