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Old 09-30-2010, 12:06 PM
Quilt Mom
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Originally Posted by Kathryn2
Your quilt is beautiful. I have made a couple of Bonnie Hunter scrap quilts but have not seen Carolina Christmas. Is it from one of her books? If not and someone would share it with me, I would appreciate it. Your Christmases from the past sound like what I remember. So many people, each person drew a name. Blessings to all. Kathryn
When Bonnie Hunter started this mystery quilt, she stated the pattern would be up for a specified time, and then removed to be included in a new book. I do not know what that means as far as copyrights. I think it is not in the book that came out recently because she was posting it at the time the book would have been at the printers. So maybe she has another book coming out soon?????
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