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Old 10-01-2010, 08:03 AM
Rebecca VLQ
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Join Date: Mar 2010
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I have found that acne improves when you limit/reduce sugar and white flour, make sure you are well-hydrated, and eat fresh veggies and fruits.

Acne is caused by a bacteria that feeds on dead skin cells and oil. You *may* need antibiotic treatment to clear it up, but the above helps your body to work in tip-top shape, and kinda protect against invasion.

People that don't tolerate soap on their face well can sometimes do the "oil cleansing method" which, short story: Use a combination of oils like sunflower, olive, castor, do a facial massage, use a very warm wet *clean* washcloth to wipe away excess cleansing oil and the debris that is loosened/lifted by massage. I believe they reccommend 2x a day.

Asprin, crunched up and made into a paste treats acne.

Cold sores are a virus, stress usually exacerbates the problem.
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