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Old 10-03-2010, 06:29 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
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just boughtthis on 9/1 and don't know if it's me or the machine! the only way i can see the last 2 thread guides is to raise the machine w/ something,[i'musing my tv remote ,can't find the rubberdoor stops i bought ]it is really a pain! & the "bright light "is so dim that i can hardly tell if it's on ! called dealer yesterday& i have a yr to exchange it & get full price credit,but next one up is $1499.00![i paid $599.00for the 450q]i am not happy w/this machine,but can't afford to drive nearly an hr to take lessons[i don't drive much anymore ,so it makes it worse]i am going to try it out a while longer,he suggests i wait for the replacement fof the 650q which isn't out yet.i've done so much research on machines that they are all running together!i would be willing to go up to $1000.00,but doesn't look like i'll find one for that price.& after the 650q, they all seem to be sewing/embroidery machines,which i really don't care about.
thanx for letting me vent[again] if anyone has any suggestions,i'm open to ay & all!
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