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Old 10-06-2010, 01:39 PM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: in hiding !! witness protection program LOL
Posts: 457

Oh you all had me in" stitches" with your replies. OH goodness !!<sides hurt from laughing>
I have had a cyber stalker and its not fun, finally got the local police in on him to find out he was not supposed to be on the net because he was accused and convicted of sexually harassing his employees, lost his business (which was once a lucrative business), his family and needless to say his wife divorced him, took the kids and ran. Good for her.. I found all this out from an FBI agent and it blew my mind!
So needless to say I am somewhat shy of people on the net, but I try not to be especially when its people I have something in common with such as quilting, sewing and crafting ..oh I almost forgot Cat herding!!LOL :) :)
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