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Old 10-07-2010, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by JJs
and 'of course' truckers never speed, would never dream to tailgate (and give you heart attacks), run "4-wheelers" off the road and laugh about it (heard on CB years ago and then came upon the car that had been run off, or two trucks running together would never squeeze a car, nope wouldn't happen....
Your right!! It does happen! There are truck drivers (so thery call themselves) that do this to other truck drivers! AND THEY GIVE THE INDUSTRY A BAD NAME! we call them steering wheel holders and wanna be's. As a driver for 14yrs over the road, and I still hold my license, and hubby still drives.We do not like anyone who purposes goes out of their way to endanger a life. The truckers for the majority are Professional at their jobs. Their job is to get the load from point A to point B. They do this by paying attention to their surrounding and looking for possible dangers and avoiding them. They try to work within the restraints of the law, and the D.O.T regulations. Sure wish the dispatchers would too!! We are not afraid to turn a driver who is a danger into the law and their company!! With the economy going the way it has , there is an even bigger growing trend for people obtaining licenses for truck driving jobs. I am glad tho that the trucking companys are trying to weed these drivers out finally!!! Instead of just hiring a body to fill a truck to hold their steering wheel!! Karren
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