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Old 10-07-2010, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Born2Sew
Not being from Arkansas, I hope I get the facts right. Arkansas was one of the states he drove to regularly. He frequently went up by Boston Mtn and the 9 mile hill I think is what it's called. If not, someone will correct me and set me straight. I know it's the one with the sign at the bottom with the warning about how many folks have been killed on it.

Anyway, I had a dream one night that his truck went off the side of that mountain. Since many of my dreams are spot on, I was worried sick until he called. I told him I was sweating bullets waiting to hear from him and explained my dream. He told me about meeting someone driving a Jaguar passing everything on the road. They were headed straight for him and there was no place for him to go to get out of the way, but off the side of the mountain. Needless to say, he decided he wasn't going to go out that way. Nice people the Jaguar was passing made sure he was able to get back into the right lane.

It always scared me on those little narrow roads in Arkansas. When you cross a bridge and look out the window and all you can see is water and no side of the bridge, I about had a heart attack. I couldn't be a trucker at all, have the utmost respect for them...

God bless everyone of them!
I personally am not a fan of San Francisco's Bay Bridge. I would have been happy if they would stop all traffic to let me have the whole bridge to myself. The lanes are narrow and the trucks have to stay to the right!! That is my nightmare bridge!! But of course they would never shut it down just for me!! George Washington and The Tappanzee 2 more but what can you do. You do what you have to do!! The Golden Gate I don't even drive a car on!! My hubby does that one or I find another way around!!!
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