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Old 10-08-2010, 01:41 AM
Aussie Quilter
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: SE Qld. Australia
Posts: 271

Originally Posted by JJs
and 'of course' truckers never speed, would never dream to tailgate (and give you heart attacks), run "4-wheelers" off the road and laugh about it (heard on CB years ago and then came upon the car that had been run off, or two trucks running together would never squeeze a car, nope wouldn't happen....
A couple of years ago I was run off the road after attending meetings 2 months in a row by Road Trains - semi trailers with 3 trailers behind. Both were doing at least 120km in an 80km zone (same corner). Both went into the right hand turn only lane, and cut me off. First time I finished up 3' from a telegraph pole, second time I managed to pull over to the side of the road. The first one had 3 fully laden petrol tankers behind. Can imagine what would have happened if he had hit me.

The highway links Brisbane with Darwin (about 4000km) and the Road Trains which travel the highway every day know where the towns etc are that they have to drop their speed for. Seems they only have 2 speeds - flat to the floor, and dead stop. Two weeks ago I sat behind one who kept to the speed limit for the 35km into town. First time in 8 years I have seen one do it.
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