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Old 10-08-2010, 06:17 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Newberg, OR
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Originally Posted by Skyqueen30094
I know we talk about our fabric stash how big it is, organizing it etc but does anyone else also have a problem collecting patterns? I keep seeing patterns I like and buying them or saving them but never use them :roll:
Yes! I recently decided to organize my patterns that were stuffed on end into two shoeboxes. I had tabbed dividers (cut strips of cardboard) that put them into categories, but they were packed so tightly that it was difficult to see them without taking everything out of the box. So.......

I got the bright idea of putting them into loose-leaf binders and to put them in those three-ring plastic sleeves. I bought two of the largest binders I could find thinking I'd have LOTS of space for more patterns. (Although, why I thought I needed that much space, I don't know.) I was absolutely astonished when I completely filled both binders. If I live another hundred years I won't be able to make that many quilts. Sheesh. So.......

I declared a moratorium. Join me if you wish. Here is my pledge:

I, Catrancher, will not buy OR PRINT any more patterns unless I plan to make it RIGHT NOW. I will not buy OR PRINT any more patterns to make some day far into the future no matter how much I think the world will stop turning if I don't add it to my collection.

Guess I solved that problem. (Not!)
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