Thread: My new longarm
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Old 10-09-2010, 04:47 AM
feline fanatic
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Originally Posted by Maggie_Sue
You should have some quilts under your belt by now, how about a progress report?
Wow you are a tough task master :lol:

I did not have any tops ready to go when I got this sweet baby. So since I posted this topic I have been piecing like a fiend. I completed a top I had relegated to WOMBAT status and then had to piece a back for it. Then just finished up an autumn leaf quilt top so I would have another in the que. I finally got a real quilt loaded on last weekend (the WOMBAT). I figured the WOMBAT was a good first candidate because I really don't care if I mess up on this one. I haven't gotten very far with it yet because I decided I had to do pebbling on the inner border. Pebbling is time consuming but boy does it really give a nice look. I will post a picture soon.
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