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Old 10-11-2010, 04:57 AM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Longview,TX
Posts: 74

it`s amazing our world isnow filles with chemicals that my Mom and Dad did just fine without,, that goes for medications also. I`mm 55 so I`m talking about the late 40`s to around the 70`s whenit seems like there were more choices of cleaning products etc. When I have a bad headache and I just want some generic,Tylenol( I said Tylenol because I cant remember how to spell the other one),, There are so many different types,,, YIKES I sound grummpy this Monday Columbus Day. What are we celebrating today? Any history buffs?
Tomorrow is my 25th anniversary,, YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
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