Old 10-11-2010, 01:48 PM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: dreaming of a simple life. Living off the grid!
Posts: 3,259

Hay has anyone checked the sign up list lately??????????? I will have you know that there is meaness going on. There are 195 people and only 2 have comments next to their name. Sandpat...........I guess she has been sucking up to Teri because next to her name it says ONLY NICE ONE ON THE LIST. And the other person is.............me and it says naughty. I can't believe it Patty sends people frogs, I should know she sent me one last year. I was Stars SS and I sent nothing mean yet I get that title of naughty. IT AIN"T FAIR!!!!!!!!! On top of that it is written next to Sandpat ONLY NICE ONE ON THE LIST sooooooooooo that means everyone but her is naughty. It is so nice to have company!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: So there are 194 naughty and 1 nice.

And the cheese stands alone, the cheese stands along hi ho the derrrio the chesse stands alone. Thats right Sandpat you are the cheese. Smelly rotten cheese!!!!!!!!! And you are standing alone........so take that little Miss Prissie goody goody~!
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