Thread: Hand Lotion
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Old 10-14-2010, 06:55 AM
Rita's mom
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My favorite is a lotion called Renew made by a company called Melaleuca Inc. But you have to join to order from them.(Sort of like Amway)I am not a member anymore so I hope my stash doesn't run out soon! My husbands hands crack very bad in the winter from work (he is a welder)and it keeps his hands from cracking if he uses it everynight before bed. It is not greasy at all.
If he does get a crack the best thing we found to use is good old Desitin. He puts it on at night and covers it with the adhiesive medical tape and in the morning all of the soreness is gone! You might have to do it a few nights to get it completly healed though.
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