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Old 10-14-2010, 11:41 AM
szyquilt's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Georgia
Posts: 82

Originally Posted by misseva
i read on this thread about doing this - but NOW i see and it makes sense. this is the best tip i've rec'd. - no, it's the one about glueing the binding, no, it's the one..... gosh they're ALL good. it's like a gold mine of info. - better than any 'how to' book.

i think the first thread didn't specify the tip from a 'mechanical' pencil - or else i didn't catch that part. a ball point pen tip isn't very small. i have another brand of mechanical pencil here in the office, 7mm and it works too - very small tip.
Yes, I used the 7mm mechanical pencil tip.
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