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Old 10-15-2010, 11:16 AM
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 934

Hi, my name is margie77072 and I've been shadowing this website for many months and have fallen in love with it. I can't wait to see the pictures, read the questions and answers and oh and lets not forget the links :thumbup:
Now, I am a hoarder of sorts...not physical things...mostly but I love information and I have all kinds. I save links and download patterns. If a pattern is not in pdf then I copy and paste into another format. I have them on jewelry making, crochet, quilting, etc.. I can't stop and up until yesterday I really saw no great problem with this. I have agreed to make a quilt for a baby shower on Saturday. Not a problem, right. I have tons of patterns for baby quilts not to mention lap quilts, etc..
Well, guess what! You can have to much of a good thing. It's taken me two days to find a pattern that's easy and works with the fabric I bought (before deciding what quilt to make). I am ashamed to admit that none of the patterns I have were ones I could use (or I probably could if I knew more about quilting). I, finally, found some really simple instructions that fit the fabric and my skill level. Although, I found 3 such patterns, it still took me a couple of hours to figure out which one I wanted to make. It is insane that I have over 100 hundred patterns and I couldn't use even one.
I have decided to GREATLY reduce my hoard of downloaded patterns. I will confine myself to 5 or 6 types and the rest will just vanish. Maybe, I can cut it even more. I mean, if I'm going to do an online search anyway (just to be, there is no need for more then a few patterns to be kept on hand, right.
I, also, realize that I should choose the pattern before buying the fabric. That way, I can buy fabric appropriate for the pattern.
One more thing, I found a website that's just wonderful for a data junkie like me. It's . It has everything :thumbup: or links to everything crafty. Gotta love 'em.
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