Old 10-16-2010, 04:51 AM
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Location: Maine
Posts: 140

Grandchildren r such a wonderful blessing for sure. We have a total of 12. Ages ranging from 17-1. I have 5 dgd and 7 dgs. I have 2 grandsons in Guatemala which I dont get to see. I did see the oldest which is 4 now, but the one yr old I will get to see at Easter this year! I am so excited to see them all. Each day with them are as precious as the first day that I held them in my arms. Enjoy each and every moment with them. The greatest of all is when they look at you and give you a compliment. They always put a smile on my face and in my heart. Blessing to all the grandparents out there especially the ones that are raising their grandchildren!
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