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Old 10-17-2010, 01:01 PM
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I have a cute story about my mom. She comes from a large family and is the oldest. Her father, my grandfather, used to love her baking. Well, one day she made a beautiful chocolate cake. She was so proud of that cake!! Grandpa was a coal miner who worked hard every day of his life and really appreciated my mom's yummy desserts. After dinner that evening, she cut him a nice big piece of chocolate cake. He took a big bite, started chewing, and my mom said he had a "funny look" on his face. He asked her what she had used to make her cake. She said, "Why, chocolate and eggs and flour and sugar." He then asked her if she was sure she had used sugar. She said, "Of course I used sugar." Well, come to find out she hadn't used sugar--she had used salt!!!! :lol: :lol: She's never made that mistake again!!!! She loves to tell that story.
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