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Old 10-18-2010, 03:49 PM
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Location: Galloway,Ohio
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Okay this calls for honesty. I have been thinking about detaching. I too don't know when or how. I have 1 26 ft family room full of boxes and bags I have long forgot what is in them. There is a lovely fireplace that I haven't seen in more than 8 years. Then there is a 12 by 14 room down stairs that fabric goes to the ceiling. There are 6 JoAnn wheeled stackable rolling bends, 5 shelves each in that room filled. Also there is a 8 ft box that holds 54 bolts or more within that room. I lost count of how many bolts I have within that box.

My girlfriends decided they wanted to make flannel jackets. So I agreed but they had to use my flannel. Mine is done as well as 2 friends we didn't make a dent in my flannel/
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