Thread: How many of you
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Old 10-20-2010, 08:00 AM
grammakitty's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Springfield, Mo.
Posts: 29

don't know when I've seen so many responses. I'm self taught also. My mom quilted and sewed for we kids but wasn't much for teaching, or I wasn't much for learning at that time :0)

I took my first Home Ec class in 7th grade, made an apron and was hooked on sewing. Sewed for my boys and did crafts, then when they were gone and married I took up quilting.

Some friends at church were attending a small quilting group and invited me to sit in one evening and I was hooked again and have been quilting for ten years now. I see something and try drawing it out and making it. Some times it turns out to be a good block other times it may get pitched but it seems I'm always sewing something. My DIL says I need more beds and tables to display all the quilts and runner/toppers I've made.
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