Old 10-21-2010, 04:38 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Washburn, North Dakota
Posts: 257

Thanks, I'm in two other groups with Secret Santa also $20 limit.
Then we do Secret Stitcher (like your monthly secret pal) and $20 but it's quarterly for 1 yr same person.
Then we do a Birthday Club, it's a FQ & card to everyone on their birthday month only, lots of fun when they come in on your birthday.
Then we do a FQ Lotto, sign up, 1st of month we have one lady not playing who draws, everyone signed up sends the winner a FQ.
Then we do a Quilt Bingo, the same lady not playing, draws from 100 quilt related words that we've put on our bingo card. We have 6 ways to bingo, so 6 winners, and black out winner gets FQ, so everyone playing pays the assigned fabric size (2 charms, 2 layer cakes, 1 strip, FQ) for that particular bingo (horiz/vert, diag, T, Box, X, BkOut)
We've done fabric swaps, it was 2 diff. 6"charms, and changed to 2 diff. 10" layer cake squares.
Then your boomerang is similar to our 'Friendship' box swap, but we have a sm.tablet journal goes with it. Everyone starts with their own block & entry about yourself. It goes down the line, rotating. You get a box(pkg) add about yourself in each journal & make 'your signature' block trying to match the color/theme of their original block. Your signature block is the same to each person, just diff.to match together for their blocks.
I love participating in groups, always something new, new people.
Still interested in the rest of these ideas if anyone else knows more to share, thanks, Debbie D
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