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Old 10-22-2010, 05:10 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Fort White, Fl
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Originally Posted by Mattee
I spend a lot of time admiring everyone's beautiful work on this board. I am amazed at the stunning artistry of so many of this community's quilts. I have to admit, however, that I'm not sure I fit in.

When I am making a quilt, I often settle for "good enough." I quilt to relax, and because I love wrapping up in a cozy quilt. If I'm trying to make it perfect, it becomes stressful. I don't stress over mismatched seems, points that don't match, blocks that are a bit crooked or slightly different sizes, or any of the other issues that I know many of you go to great lengths to make perfect. The only thing that annoys me is bunched backing, but that's because I don't have any space to baste properly, so the lack of space annoys me more than anything.

So, what about it? Am I alone? Are there any others out there that notice errors and keep going anyway without ripping out seems? Do any of you make quilts that have quite a few obvious errors, and you chalk it up to "personalization" and "being unpredictable?"
I am with you Mattee
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