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Old 10-22-2010, 05:40 AM
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Location: Boonville, NC
Posts: 720

The only perfect person was Jesus Christ he is the only one never made a mistake. If you look closely at some on the quilts in magazines. some of those points are off just a tad, some the borders are a little crooked. I am my most worse critic, however I love to sew. I used to make clothes for people some you couldn't satisfy no matter what you did. So I decided to quilt I don't make them to please them I make them because it is something I love to do. I have learned from each one I make the mistakes I made helps me make the next one better. I don't strive to be perfect just to do the best I can. Only if it is a huge mistake I will fix it but if it is small I don't worry about it anymore. I make my quilts with love. that is the best I can do.
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