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Old 10-22-2010, 05:49 AM
MS quilter
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Lake, MS
Posts: 627

Eleanor Burns uses the 20 mile rule. If you hang the quilt on the front door & drive by at 20MPH and it looks good, it IS good.
Mattee, perfection is an unattainable goal. There's only been one perfect person who ever lived and we are not Him. He wasn't a quilter, but he lived a perfect life. Quilts are, by nature, made to keep someone or something warm. Keep as many people warm as you can and forget about perfection. Enjoy your quilts & making them.
Another point: I make quilts for babies and nursing home patients - they don't care if the quilt is perfect!
Well, SO WHAT if Paducah is never going to call me up and the quilt police have marked my house off the map. I'm going to make as many quilts as I can before I die!
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