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Old 10-22-2010, 08:24 AM
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When I started using the over 8000 quilt squares and rectangles of poly knit I got from an estate sale, I wanted perfect. However, after spending 4-1/2 hours re-cutting not-so-perfect squares cut by an 87 year old lady with failing eyesight, I decided that was DUMB--I could have stitched up at least four tops in that same amount of time--and those kids getting quilts through Project Linus are NOT the quilt police. they are just happy to have a quilt to snuggle up to! If I am making something for a wedding gift, etc. then I do the best I can, but since I do not enter contests or exhibit, perfect is not needed. By the way, once when I was quilting with an Amish friend, I noticed a mistake. When I pointed it out, she said "Yes, I did on purpose--only God makes perfect!" So If someone notices a goof, I just say--oh , that's my humility block!the funny thing is that when I made a BIG goof, no one noticed--and it was at a quilt club meeting--it was pretty funny that no one saw it till I told them!
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