Old 10-22-2010, 09:10 PM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
Posts: 619

Originally Posted by EasyPeezy
I usually use my Clover seam ripper or the one that come with the sewing
machine. The Clover has a a nicer handle. I use an even smaller stitch
length - 1.8 on my Janome 6600. I find it easier if I turn the seam ripper on
the side rather than straight down...the blade is flat against the fabric
instead of perpendicular. See what I mean? And I unstitch every two or
three stitches then pull the thread on the other side. It's very easy.
I also use the clover seam ripper, and I love it, it has a nice sharp point on it and it's way better than the one that comes with your machine, and I use it the same way as Easy Peezy, with the blade flat against the fabric and I also ripe every two or three stitches then pull the thread on the other side, sometimes if I hold my mouth just right I can go 8 or 10 stitches apart, and pull a long thread out. I also have a Janome machine, mine is the 6500 though, but it has 2.2 for the preset stitch length, and I mostly always use that setting.
Here's a link for the clover seam ripper so you can see what it looks like.
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