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Old 10-23-2010, 11:29 AM
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Location: Bucks County PA
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Originally Posted by Spring
I was looking at my glass as half empty and taking it out on my poor jelly
I have lived in Memphis for three years without meeting anyone and finally a month before Im moving I meet some great ladies that I would have loved to get to know better.
I was a tiny bit "butthurt" by the time I got home and instead of kicking the cat (just kidding-I don't have a cat) I took it out on my jelly rolls.
I did make a tube and cut out a few squares and I think it will make a beautiful quilt.

For the rookie was a lot easier then I thought. At first I was scared to mess up something that looked so prefect...boy as I looked at it closer those seams didn't line up at all! It sure made it easier to just free hand all the little flowers I wanted.

Thanks for the guys are always right!
Hey, Spring, I hope your move goes well. I sure do understand about moving. I've lived more than 30 different places. It's hard to move, and it always seems to happen after you make some nice connections.

Please remember that you are connected to us in this cyber community and although it's different than a quilt guild, it's also similar in many ways. Wherever you move, girlfriend, just turn on your PC and we'll be there with ya.

And if that quilt still strikes you as ugly, just chalk it up to a learning experience. Look at it objectively, with clear eyes, and determine what it is that you don't like about it. Is the color off? Too bland? Not enough or too much contrast? Pieces too big or too small? Borders not right size?

Then give it away. Someone will love it!

I was Project Linus coordinator for Philadelphia for 4 years, and I've given away a lot of quilts and blankets that I thought were odd color combinations. I'd pack em up and head off to the bereavement camp or children's hospital or foster care center, and there was always a kid there picking the "odd"one that I had thought was the red-headed stepchild!

We all like different things, and variety is the spice of life.
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