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Old 10-23-2010, 05:28 PM
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My grandmother taught me how to sew. We spent many wonderful days together making project after project. These all started with a trip to the fabric store for patterns and material - never as much as the pattern called for since Mamaw could lay out a pattern in a way that didn't waste a scrap. So it was always a surprise to me that she would buy two spools of thread. She'd pick up the thread and say, "One to sew and one to rip."

Well, today has definately been a "one to sew and one to rip" sort of day. I'm making a warm wishes quilt for a grandboy and have managed to make two rather glaring errors in assembling it so am so glad I have plenty of thread.

One to sew and one to rip - isn't that a life plan? Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Life happens. Expect bumps in the road, but move ahead anyway.

So all day long I've thought of my dear Mamaw. Sweet memories made a much easier time with my "one to rip".
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