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Old 10-27-2010, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by GailG
Originally Posted by Short an Sweet
I agree , my best HAS to be "good enough" because I'm not perfect and my best is all I've got. and no Gail: I don't think you're snotty, but just remember to enjoy yourself.
Originally Posted by GailG
Originally Posted by Ragann63
I am not a "good enough" person. Everything I do in life, I do to the best of my ability. It is my only legacy. "Good enough" is why I have left a number of quilt block swaps, etc. I don't want to go to a doctor or dentist, or have someone work on my home, who subscribes to the "good enough" theory and I would always hope that my friends and family expect more out of me. There is a wonderful poem about "Good Enough." I will post it someday.

I don't think of myself as a "good enough" person in that I always try my very best to do a good job at whatever task I have. But to put pressure on myself to be a perfectionist caused me years of depression and it has taken a very long time for me to realize that there is no way I can be perfect at everything I try. So if a seam is a tad off or if a pucker creeps in I just can't beat myself up over it. Usually I'm the only one who knows where a mistake is anyway. Life is too short. I'll do my very best and that will have to do. Sorry I got way too preachy, just feel that we should be thankful for being able to express our love for others by making quilts or any other craft we pursue.

I know that reply sounds snotty, but I assume you wanted truthful answers! :)
I don't thnk you're snooty, but at what point do you stop and say this is good. I know about self- pressure and what it'll do to a person. How much pressure to you put on yourself to do your best? I've had to learn to accept that as long as I did my best that that is good enough. Do you get what I mean? I want things to look nice and I want to always do my best, but when it isn't perfect, I have learned to draw the line and say "that's my best for now."
I'm glad you agree, but it was Ragann who asked if we thought she is snotty.:o) I agree with her, but I do think there is a limit.
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