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Old 10-28-2010, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by pab58
Well, if Santa really, really loved me, and if I have been really, really good (yeah, right!!!), I want a mid-arm or longarm. Well, I can dream, can't I?? :lol: :lol:

On a more realistic list I would love to have fancy rotary cutter blades, some more of those plastic satchels from JoAnn's to store works-in-progress, a larger cutting mat, a nice big sewing table so I don't have to set up a card table next to my small dining room table when I'm machine quilting, and some quilting thread (assorted colors, of course!). Oh, oh, and one of those really big ironing boards -- LOVE those!!! :-D :-D Oh, dear Santa are you listening? I've been good -- honest! :oops: :roll:
I love my Big Board but let me tell you, if you know someone to make you one, I'd do that. They are so simple to make. If I had it to do over again, I'd go to a thrft store, but a used ironing board, get some ply wood & have it bolted to the ironing board so you can put it up & down! Mine is always out or always up & away! Just round the corners a bit on the plywood & wha la you have a big board!
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