Old 10-29-2010, 08:13 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: dreaming of a simple life. Living off the grid!
Posts: 3,259

Originally Posted by cbridges22
OH,OH,OH, I just checked and ELF is playing on Broadway so I will get the tickets just need to know how many.I will even pay for the as a pressie to all the good worker!
Change of plans we will not be leaving on Friday Santa said he wants to see Elf which could be done on Thanksgiving night if you can still get us tickets. Santa has been asked to make a guest appearance on Friday night at the Christmas Show at Rockefeller Center. Then he said he would like to attend Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral, so whoever is Catholic and would like to attend we have to know as they will reserve seats for us. You do know Santa Clause is really Saint Nicholas so this is a really big deal for the bishop to have a Saint at Mass.
During the day everyone is on their own as food goes. I am plaining to go to Katz's deli for lunch if anyone want to come with me. We could sit at the table Meg Ryan sat at in the movie When Harry Met Sally. I think Santa said something about going to Little Italy for Friday dinner. OOHHHHH I forgot he said after Efl we could go to Serendipity's I know what I am having, a frozen hot cocoa. Dinner Saturday Santa was thinking Chinatown, does anyone object to that????

Almost forgot Santa said that he has been making his list and checking it twice and Littleone is not on either list, he wanted to know does anyone know if she really exsists???
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