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Old 09-15-2008, 06:16 AM
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Location: Maple Grove, MN (by way of GA, NC, PA, NC, AL!)
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up here in MN we don't worry about hurricanes, just tornadoes, blizzards, straight line winds, down drafts, hail the size of baseballs....but not hurricanes! However, having grown up on the Alabama coast line and gone through Hurricane Frederick in '78 or '79, I have to say that hurricanes are brutal, although with the advanced warning, you can get out of dodge!

My uncle and his family live 4 blocks from Galvaston Bay in TX and they still don't know the condition of their home. My mother is keeping me up to date on what is going on with them (if anyone remembers from an earlier post, my uncle is a severe stroke survivor and is immobile and non-communicative outside of grunts and very very limited speech). They were able to evacuate with no problems with traffic.

Anyone else out there from TX who can give an update on how you are doing?? Of course, they are probably without power and thus, GULP, without internet and GULP GULP, without US :shock: :shock: :shock:

My thoughts and prayers are with them
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