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Old 09-15-2008, 07:17 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 465

I just ordered the CE-350 with all the software from another company. I haven't got it yet but can't wait. Here are my reasons for chosing this machine:
1. I knew about what I wanted to spend. That really narrowed it down. The higher end, Pfaff, Viking, Bernina...All start at alot more than I wanted to invest. I'm new to sewing/quilting and didn't want to get into a machine for thousands until I know I will use it. I know you can get used but I haven't had much luck in my life with buying used. With things electronic like this, I do better with new.
2. I wanted something that I could do regular sewing, not just embroidery on.
3. I wanted to be able to do my sons tumbling team logo and my bf business logo. The software that comes with it will take jpgs of them and turn them into a format it can use. Yes, you can get freeware on the net but my home pc is slow to download stuff like that. This one connects right to your pc so you don't need a box, card, or anything else with it.
Once I started really looking at them, I desided one that I didn't have to worry about what format I needed would be nice. I looked at some sites that sell designs and some only come in one format. I won't be limited on that. I also seen the comment made somewhere about the Futuras that the reason why they are less money is because you use your own computer, instead of the computer being in the machine. The thought of being able to work on a design the size of my computer screen vs. the 4x5 area on a machine was a plus.
As far as the reviews go, looks like either you love it or hate it. I do want to point one looks like they didn't buy the machine, just put in a bad review. 'This machine I had plan to buy until I read the reviews on it. '. ????
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