Old 11-01-2010, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by trupeach1
Originally Posted by fryguymoore
Originally Posted by Qbee
Originally Posted by QuiltingLee
Anyone have/had issues with cooking for a thin spouse and a growing toddler while trying to lose weight? This is my battle! I need them to gain weight and me to lose, all while making good food they will eat.
I TOTALLY know what you are going through!! My DH is one of those that has the opposite problem. He can eat and eat and eat and can NOT get meat on his bones. He is a little over 6 foot tall and weighs 146 pounds!!!! So yes, I make lots of goodies for him and then there I sit....ugh! I do try to have stuff around for him that I don't particularly like and that helps some. Good luck!! :D
I have two kids on medication that makes them not hungry. This is a big part of the reason I gained so much weight back [was down 40, now only 25]. The school called child protective services on my family because they thought my son was too thin [and to avoid providing him special education services, but that is another story!] Anyway, I had to make him gain weight fast and having all that really bad food in the house didn't help me at all, I have no self control. So now all the kids are in private school and I keep the few foods I don't like for snacks like fig newtons and those icky peanut beatnut cracker packs in the house. I send the foods I like with them for lunch.

Halloween candy is usually a huge problem too. This year I had the kids count theirs so I wouldn't be able to sneak it :)

How old are the kids????? Do they like milk shakes. I am sure you don't know about me or DD but last year she went down to 80 lbs from 120. This was inside of 3 months. She needed her 3rd surgery to repair her head/face and fractured skull. Her head injury and meds she was taking made her so sick she couldn't eat. I had to have her gain weight for her to also heal. The doc had her on insure and she would gag. At the beginning her life was on the line I HAD to listen to the doc but when she was so frail I took matters into my own hands. Within a week she gained 5 lbs and started feeling well enough so that she was able to have her next surgery. This is what I did.

3 times a day I made her a shake this is the recipe.....she likes strawberry. I got powdered milk and for each 8 oz of refrigeratored milk I added what would be 2 servings of powdered milk minus the water. She was getting 3 servings for every 1 serving. I would use strawberry syrup and put it all in the blender. At 3 servings per day the calories from that along was 1200 or more depending on how much strawberry syrup was added. If your kids have to gain weight try that. It saved my DD from having to have a feeding tube put in her. Now her weight is back to normal and she recovers better after surgery then she did before and she also heals better. Thank God because she is looking at at least 2-3 more surgeries in the next year.
I hope your daughter is getting better, that is so scary. That is a great idea to add powered milk. Our doctor suggested milk shakes with Ensure which basically ruined the milkshake. I love the powered milk idea, I will have to buy the one brand of ice cream that I hate.

My kids are 9, 11, and 13. It is the 9 year old whose is thin, and he has to stay on the medication. This should work well because the others can get the milkshake too but without the powdered milk. Thanks.

How old is your daughter?
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