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Old 09-18-2008, 09:46 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: SW AL
Posts: 334

Told you I had some quilt tops that 'had been around awhile' :!: :shock:

Back in prehistoric times before quilting became all the rage, it was really hard to find decent fabrics for quilting - I know, hard to believe... but true. There weren't all these really nice quilt shops and if you did happen to find one, the prices were outrageous...
which explains the really putrid colors of this quilt and why it's been around so long....
I hated it - it took me from 1988 to 1994 just to get the top completely pieced... and then it was stuck away and I drug it out the other day along with a bunch of other tops that I made 'back then' (80s-90s) and decided to do my practicing on the Bailey set up with them....

So - it's FINALLY finished - I just played around with free hand stuff for the quilting and then after I started I decided it wasn't so bad after all :roll:
And I wished I had been more careful with doing the freehand stuff cause it's kinda neat - geez.....

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