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Old 11-03-2010, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by JenniePenny
I'm doing this as a block of the month with my LQS. How we are doing this:
At the first of the year, each participant blindly drew a crayon out of a tin. We would need to then bring 1/8 yard of that fabric to our first class and make our first block (we were given a requirement of black & white fabrics also, for the whole year). My first color was brown. I probably scowled when I drew the crayon, but said, I'm up for the challenge.
So everybody made block one; each had their own accent color. At the end of that class, we each drew another random color crayon. That would allow us to find or buy that color before class 2. And so on. At this point, we have 10 completed blocks and our 11th accent color picked. We're ready to make block 11.

Everybody's quilt will look remarkably different from the others, because, first and most obviously, everybody picked different crayons. But not so obvious when we started, was that everybody could put their 1/8 yard of accent fabric ANYWHERE in the block. So if one person chooses a white background with dark points, it will look different from somebody else's block if they make a dark background and put the values in different places.
I've got my 10 blocks laid on my floor:
jenniePenny what beautiful blocks and what an awesome idea
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