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Old 11-03-2010, 08:15 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Nadine, just bake the sweet potatoes (pierce them with a fork first!) either in a regular oven while you are baking meat loaf or something, or bake in a microwave oven. After about 5 or 6 minutes, squeeze with a hit mitt to see if the potato "gives" to the touch. Cook in 30 second increments until done. Then, take out, cool a little, and peel. Mash with any of the following: butter and cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice and brown sugar; or butter, brown sugar, orange juice and orange zest. Happy cooking! I had 9 sweet potato plants this year and harvested 149 pounds of sweet potatoes. They weighed anywhere from 10# (honest), 8, 7, and down to fingerlings. I gave the two largest ones to a local mission so they could feet many people. I am giving some to a needy family and we are enjoying the rest. They are good, believe me.
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