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Old 11-04-2010, 05:56 AM
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Location: Sugar Land, Texas
Posts: 229

I went last night for the preview of the quilts and did some shopping. If you plan on going on Friday or Saturday -- these are the most popular days and there are lots and lots of people.
Going up and down the isles is tight -- people sometimes don't think when they just stop in the middle of the isles when they see something interesting -- that stops the whole section. I see a lot of people who carry tote bags and then again some vendors give out free tote bags but you really do not see people pushing carts around. There are a lot of people in wheel chairs too! I hope you have fun. I took a class on Monday and I have two more - one on Saturday and one on Sunday. I plan on doing more shopping. Duhhh - I just called for you. The answer is "NO CARTS, ROLLING SUITECASES" unless you have a medical need to have one then you need to bring a note from a Doctor and go to the 2nd floor to get a special pass to use it.

Enjoy your time at the show!
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