Old 11-05-2010, 07:38 AM
lab fairy
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Originally Posted by nursenadine
Originally Posted by trupeach1
Originally Posted by lab fairy
Wow. I may have to practice the chat thing. I might have entered the chat area once. I find it kind of frustrating because I can't follow the conversations. Can I just enter the chat area and see how it works? Are there any special abbreviated codes I need to learn? Just to put this in context, I don't sent text messages much either. It becomes very frustrating to me when people start using abbreviations. :roll: Just ask my kids. I never know what they are saying to me when they text.
I use to go into chat ALL the time but I always get booted. I don't text either and it took me forever to figure out LOL meant laugh out loud I thought it meant lots of luck. Call me stupid. The people in chat don't really use text/abbreviations that much the most inportant is ROFLAO Rolling on floor laughing a** off. Everyone is friendly in chat they will say hi to you and just jump in. It is crazy on reveal day there are so many people you get dizzy trying to keep up with what is being said. But it is fun.
I thought LOL meant lots of love. My daughters had a good laugh at me for that one.
I know. This is precisely why I never wanted to KNOW. I would have to get even and cook something. Someone would charge me with cruel and unusual punishment and then make me take a class or something.
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